Monday – Thursday 9a-2p
808-847-4227 Option 2
Courtney -
Deja -
All assessment are $100 cash and money order
SAP Assessments - $200 Initial / $120 Follow-up
We provide a wide array of comprehensive assessments that include the following types: DUI or OVUII, SAP, First Time Offender Assessments (Act 230/44), and SAA. We work with the Division of Drivers Education, The Judiciary - Adult Client Services, Adult Client Services Branch Pre-Sentencing Invesitgation, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and Employers to provide needed alcohol and substance abuse assessments for individuals who are required to obtain one for various reasons. KSS can provide interpreter services as needed.
Examples of reasons for needing or being required to obtain an assessment include but is not limited too: individuals that are found operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant (OVUII), or driving while under the influence (DUI), having failed or refused a urinalysis test under the direction of their employer (these types mostly fall under the requirement of a needing a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) assessment), and/or are required to obtain an assessment per the terms and conditions of their probation/parole officer or pre-sentencing officer.
KSS utilizes specific instruments to help define the nature of the problem, determine a diagnosis, and develop specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis. During the assessment, the following are determined; the nature and extent of a clients substance or alcohol use disorder, the level of care required, and the treatment related factors, if any, and make a recommendation based on results and clinical impressions.
Please visit for more information on Substance Abuse Professionals.